Friday, March 29, 2019

These aren't pictures

they may never say sorry
or ask for forgiveness
all though my heart may be bitter
I'll let go of the pain
as my body is my temple
I'm a prisoner to my thoughts
as the memories are buried
they are never forgotten
too much pride can be cancer
wicked ways can be toxic
I must breathe for reassurance
I'm alive in a life full of mistakes
as judgement & neglect are the reasons
for solitude
open minded to consistency in understanding the temptation of desires
from people who have flesh & history of life & tragedy .

I can't be mad about you
anymore .
I had to let go & forgive myself .
i chose to forgive you .
dark of me to pretend you were dead.
Twisted of me to want to feel romance when I carry anger in my heart
I can accept & embrace but sometimes I suffer from change .
to listen closely as everything u can know can be shown.
I drown in my own concious not listening to others.
my feelings are everything but they can get in the way of my truth.
2 battle two different sides of me.

shadows of my past attach to me throughout the day & night.
as to keep secrets buried with the thoughts that were believed to be forgotten .
words that were said can carry a heavy burden.
time is so valuable yet we take it for granted .
trapped with emotions that lead to toxic behavior & sickness .
mental health requires consistent care and affection .
To feel happy yet broken
I'm sick & in solitude
a spirit with concious
a soul that is haunted .

You aren't alone .
Even when you feel like you are
please remember someone somewhere else may be going thru something similar or even worse.please be grateful , tomorrow isn't promised for everyone .Life is extremely hard but everything happens for a reason, & that may sound cliche or not make sense but it is true . You are who you are today for a reason. Please remember because it's easy to forget , the way you carry yourself effects people around you . Be the person you truly want to be & not the person you were once before .If u find comfort in sadness,  that's ok. Just work on ur own time & make those steps in being a better you . Please enjoy yourself or atleast continue to try.

I am the enemy fighting within
camouflaged in existence of chasing illusions .
fantasies of success controlling my happiness .
to daydream of ideas that may never happen In reality .
wondering if I have lived a life before .
curious to find out who I am experimenting with nature & solitude.
getting closer to my future while closing the door to my room of sleep.
breathing in the air we all must share in order to survive .
To be of something without shape
& with freedom to escape .

Happiness had its overwhelming feeling of numbness .
Twisted pleasure in the depression that brought tinderness to thy soul Trapped in a body of emotion 
A prisoner to existence .
To allow kindness & comfort can be a challenge for those who were treated unfairly .
Risen to purpose of searching for a reason to belong .
To be looked at as a person for who you are 
For what they not know 
recieve understanding as to what they don't see .
Days of our lives built by discovering & reacting .
Basic human needs that can be attended to.
As to offer support & company & accept the failure of common sense displayed by some.
To live & learn & enjoy what may be the one chance you get to experience anything. 

time continues to spend time regardless of nature and mind .
secluded by deception to not be unbothered .
changes can shape a human to humbleness. 
experience can touch in a way of understanding. 
To destroy what was once in existence 
to be held accountable for reasoning with temptation of one self .
Suffering from anxiety to achieve a personal desire alters the mindstate that one can experience while dealing with everything happening.
Time continues to move while the day continues its changes with nature being the example of a momentarily switch.

Certain people did things that I could never forgive them about ..
Honestly I did not want to be this way.
As I have done things I haven't asked  forgiveness for ..
As I choose to understand this is my way of forgiveness towards them ..
but my heart has a familiar feeling for them which is little...
I am no victim , I have done wicked things that karma continues to put me through..
As I choose to be a certain way I am growing back to the person I once was...
 With reassurance that us as in people will never b complete in ideas of being perfect ..

As to separate lust from infatuation & reality ..
My ideas can imagine a life I may never live ..
I'm sick to toy with my heart as I surrender to boredom ..
A free spirit at best but temptation had blanketed my heart with confusion ..
As to separate the feeling of love & feelings ..
To understand the reason of emptiness inside ..
Only 2 exist from a moment of 
As to witness different & unique spirits who truly dream of romance ..
As I separate myself from my intentions I must study & figure out why I grow quite fond of the idea of love ..
Reasoning with myself on why I experience memorable hurt that I learn & experience from ...
As to understand my attraction towards the beauty that is easy on my eyes to the personality that I truly admire ...
Living everyday looking for something I may never find won't bring worry to my soul ..
As I am , lucky to love myself enough understand that things won't always go how I want ..
With reasoning , it is normal to fantasize though it may be unhealthy at times ..
To think of a fairytale is a way for me to escape & kill time & bring hope to my heart in hopes that I can understand more about the human itself 

The sun has its beauty
 its warm & it falls on the eyes to resemble dark honey..
The color that's hidden so clearly ..
Forgotten by one who would watch his sorroundings...
As his skin can be cut yet so easy & quick 
his blood is red wine 
but the taste is not sweet ...
As he yearns for what he desires 
Obsession Is tainted by drastic decisions...
He closes the eyes 
& darkness is welcomed 
the things he remembers 
could hurt him or help him...

her heart was running 
holding tears she's seen so many .
She is somewhere in the mountains 
with a kitten & a puppy 
with some cigarettes & water 
She's in love with being happily in love & she is beauty 
But she's fragile as a flower she needs water & the sun 
She's a seed that soon will grow with nurtured time with care & love 
she's what you see 
if u imagine 
hills of mountains full of gardens 
with a million red roses she's the only sunflower 

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