Thursday, October 26, 2017

Something i wrote back in october , now its time to let it out

 It's time I stopped lying to myself //
I was never perfect , at times I've been a shitty person //
I've become the biggest introvert //
I've changed so much /
Be very careful of who you let around you //
People can be strangers & still want to be close with you /
My karma continues to catch up with me , it hurts but at the end of it I laugh at myself because I know I deserve it /
I am a stranger to myself but I know who I am when I look in the mirror /
I've let the wrong people into my heart & they brought the worst out of me /
I realized my family & the people that truly care about me are all I need /
I'm very comfortable with myself to know that I love myself enough to hate myself when I overthink /
I love my loved ones & encourage everyone to find happiness & peace /
Slowly I am realizing that I'll never find what I long for in anyone other than me/
As for now I will continue to pursue my interest in life as I am truly blessed to be alive even though I struggle with being extremely unhappy , but I know that I will be ok & that life is a journey /
Good luck to all.
All is love , happiness & peace .